VulcanVerse Foraging Guide — Anything you need to know and more
Get to know how to forage for NFT rewards, materials and XP
VulcanVerse is getting more popular by the day. So I figured, many people will ask the basic question how to start foraging.
As this is elemental, here you will be presented with a guide that will answer the most important questions. Be sure to read all starting sections, to not miss anything! If you’re willing to go a bit further, check out the Advanced topics section for more efficient foraging. Let’s start!
If you’re in a hurry and want to check out details later: Find a TL;DR at the end and cherry-pick the topics you need from this article.
2021–12–01: Added cross-border foraging section.
2021–12–09: Added XP popups
Reasons to forage
You have 3 main reasons to forage, Let’s keep it simple for now and read more later:
- You want to forage to find valuable items like NFTs or really rare ingame materials like Jade, Diamonds or Topaz you can use ingame at a later point, trade for other things or sell later on.
- You want to build on your land plots and need materials to start. For example, for Level 1 plots you often need wood, copper, iron or soil.
- You want to collect XP, every successful foraging attempt that yields materials will reward you with 1 to 5 xp points. More on that later as well.
How to prepare for foraging
You need a VulcanForged MyForge account
The first thing you need is a MyForge-Account. It’s the hub for everything VulcanVerse.
I won’t go into details, but you really need to register.
I’d be pleased if you use my reflink. That will help me out with more XP and LAVA at no disadvantage for you. Otherwise use the official link without referral:
You need a land plot or start as a Cedalion
Either you already have land or you can buy one on the Marketplace.
If these options are not suitable for you, as land is quite valuable by now, you can start out as a Cedalion! Details will be announced soon! Check out the #cedalion Discord channel and ask all the questions you may have!
You need a Vulcanite
You can buy a Vulcanite from the marketplace or simply choose a Vulcanite companion within MyForge. They have lower stats, but will work just as fine to forage.
You can find more indepth information on Vulcanites in JaapNL’s medium post.
The forage stat currently only influences the time for a foraging attempt.
First option: Buy a vulcanite
Go to the Marketplace and filter for Vulcanites to check and bid or buy.
Be sure to visit the #marketplace Discord channel for ANY questions you may have before buying anything.
Second option: Claim your companion
Everyone can do this, regardless if you have other Vulcanites.
To claim your companion, click on your profile icon within MyForge and click on “My Companion”. It’s completely free but you can only choose one!
Here are all companions you can select:
It may be beneficial to use one for the quadrant you prefer to reside in for the start. Just pick anything that appeals to you the most. You can check their stats on the official Vulcanite page.
You need VulcanVerse
It may be obvious, but you need to be inside VulcanVerse as a player.
Check out the Discord Channel #play-beta on how to download the installer and get going!
If you have any questions, go to the #vulcan-classroom Discord channel and ask there.
You need to enable the forage mode
Now that you’re inside VulcanVerse, you can start right away without further ado!
Make sure your Vulcanite is around you. If it isn’t, click the Vulcanite menu or press v and click the plus sign to make it appear.
VulcanVerse uses a mechanic to make blue crystals appear. They need to be clicked. Note that crystals appear specifically for you, so everyone has their own crystals that won’t be shared among players.
By default they are invisible. You need to enable the forage mode to make them appear.
To do this either press the button 2 or click on the forage button on the menu bar.
To disable forage mode, you use the same method as to enable it and crystals will disappear. Keep this in mind, if you accidentally disable the foraging mode.
How to use the blue crystals
Just hover them with the mouse cursor. They should appear with a green glow. Now click to forage!
Congratulations on your first foraging attempt!
Foraging will take some time. Time differs on the foraging value of your Vulcanite. A Storm Crow takes about 90 seconds for example. So the time can be improved with Vulcanites that have better foraging stats.
When you started foraging and you hover a crystal again, they will appear red to let you know that foraging is still ongoing.
Wait until it’s green again and forage some more!
Successful attemts and misses
Sometimes you won’t find anything and won’t receive XP for that. Just give it another try and stay motivated. Good and bad luck streaks happen quite often, regardless which Vulcanite you use. It seems to be completely random at the moment.
Good locations to forage
I prefer Arcadia or Boreas on hotspots where you can find Mythic materials. It’s up to you. Ask around where good materials can be found ingame or in the #foraging Discord Channel
Places that will often be heard are 474 in Arcadia at the middle top of the quadrant or 3094 in Boreas right from Harpie’s Nest.
NFT foraging
NFTs will just be a forage reward like materials, there is nothing else required to find them. Unlike materials, that are fixed to a plot, you can find NFTs on every plot with a low chance. Even on landmarks, which are shown as red squares.
Current NFTs
At the moment you can find a Common Rod of Hades Seed. You can either sow the seed if you have the required amount of PYR on MyForge or sell it on the marketplace. See here for more information on seeds.
When to find an NFT
NFT forages are very rare. There is an undisclosed mechanism behind it. It could take you 5 attempts (this happened recently) or 15000 foraging attempts. I would just suggest to keep foraging until you finally find one. It will be a great feeling!
Anyone can find NFTs
There are no requirements like Vulcanite Levels or similar, everyone has the same chance to find one. Some even find 2 on the same day, but remember that you still need much luck!
How to know if you found an NFT
You will be presented with a different message and it will be very obvious stating that you got loot in the middle of the screen!
Forage materials and XP rewards
XP popups
After successfully foraging, an XP popup will be visible. It might show up a little bit delayed, but it assures you how much XP your forage rewarded you.
Following material classes and items can be found at the moment:
Common will reward 1 XP
Found every other foraging attempt on all plots.
Rare will reward 2 XP
Found a bit less than commons but still on all or nearly all plots.
Epic will reward 3 XP
Found quite rarely and not on every plot.
Mythic will reward 4 XP
Quite rare and found on a few plots only.
Legendary will reward 5 XP
No occurrence known yet, will be added later.
Notes on materials
Only the highest material class reward will be counted on 1 forage attempt!
Have a look at an example with Halite and Coal.
In this case, you would receive 3 XP for an epic material forage as highest material class.
With further development of VulcanVerse and higher avatar levels, more material types will be added that you can find.
Where to see the rewarded XP
Check the earnings page on MyForge.
They will appear with the message “VulcanVerse“ at this moment.
Something else: Appreciate what you appreciate!
If you like a plot and how easy it is to forage there, click the “Apprectate Land” button. It will reward the plot owner with 2 XP, you lose nothing of course. You can repeat this once per day on any plot you like. Later there could be a limit to how often you can appreciate in a day so choose wisely.
More advanced topics
How crystals actually appear
They will appear in a radius around you. Press q to see how crystals all around you are placed. They only appear to you, so you don’t share crystals with other people. Everyone has their own crystals.
How to force the appearance of crystals when you run out
Several methods come to mind from best to lower results in sum of crystals to make new ones appear.
Everything can be repeated at will. You can never run out!
- option: 15–30 Crystals: Go clockwise or counter clockwise around the plot through the middle of each neighbour plot, here is an example result:
2. option: 2–10 Crystals: Go half or a full plot away and come back, keep the plot in sight to know when
3. option: 1–2 Crystals: Just wait, although it can take some time and is not recommended
Cross-border foraging
As your vulcanite is foraging for you, there are 2 things we can make use of. Be warned that this might get changed at some point but is currently working just fine.
1. Border foraging: If you’re standing before the plot line to another plot, foraging from a crystal beyond the border will reward as if the crystal would be on the plot you’re still standing on as the vulcanite is near you.
As an example, you and your vulcanite are standing on plot 1 before the line to plot 2. You click the crystals on plot 2. Do not cross the line to plot 2 (check the plot number under the small circle map) and that will be counted as a forage on 1. You can see where the forage is going on by observing where your vulcanite is moving. That’s the place that’s being counted.
2. Foraging on another plot: It may happen that your vulcanite is not fast enough to follow you or is even getting stuck on some assets. You could make use of that by foraging on any plot and as the position of the vulcanite will be used for the forage even if you stand on a completely different plot in the same quadrant.
A good place to farm XP
Stay on a mythic hotspot that has a Mythic, an Epic and a rare material to offer. Rewards will differ from 1 XP to 4 XP.
How to find a specific plot
If you have the plot number, you can use a handy tool called landmap to find the location. Just enter the plot number into the search, hit enter and the plot will be marked black on the map!
Alternatively note the coordinates and navigate ingame. When you cross the border of a plot, you will notice how the coordinates will change.
How to know when foraging ends so you’ll be faster
I use the following trick in conjunction with a timer:
- Start a stopwatch somewhere (smartphone, smartwatch, Desktop program etc.)
- Hover a crystal all the time (hover over it every few seconds) and stop when it’s green again
- Now start the Windows Alarm & Clock program
- Put it in a comfortable spot where you can reach it quickly
- Optional, more advanced: make it stay on top of the VulcanVerse window which makes it even faster to use
- Add a timer called forage
- Set it to the time your stopwatch shows
- Click a crystal and afterwards click the start button on the timer
- Go to the next crystal before the timer runs out so when the timer stops you just need to click the crystal
- Repeat!
- Optional: If you don’t like the notification ring each time, click “Settings” (the gear icon) and “Change notification settings” to disable notifications for “Alarms & Clock”
Good or bad plots
As some plots reward more XP as they just have higher class materials, those would be considered better. As for foraging success, I believe it’s perceived very subjectively and it’s easy to conclude a plot may have more missed attempts than other plots. It may have happened on a good plot as well instead though.
If you want to have a proper comparison, you probably need to forage at least 2 days for several hours on a plot and do the same with another one. The mechanisms around foraging materials are a secret we can only reveal step by step by analyzing behaviour & results. If anything changes drastically or is going to be revealed, I’ll update this article.
- Create a MyForge account
- Get a land plot or enter the cedalion program
- Get a Vulcanite from the marketplace or claim your companion in MyForge
- Install and start VulcanVerse
- Press the Forage button or 2 to make blue crystals appear
- Click the crystals when they appear green and wait for the result
Closing words
Of course not all information was found by me. Many things were shared in the VulcanVerse community chats and articles!
Thanks for reading and remember to get into the Discord chat if you have any questions!
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Original title image source: by Alexas_Fotos